It really does.


Is it too cheesy to start off the blog with one of the most ideal parent-child bonding images? Maybe. But we'll stick with it anyway. As a matter of fact it's our intention to make these kinds of images a Nazabong Kids Blog signature.

After the first month or so of the coronavirus sheltering-in mandates most parents who weren't already homeschooling knew by then that they really didn't have enough activities and/or school-like materials to keep their young children engaged. Who was even accustomed to being at home this much and around their children this much? It can really take a lot to keep kids engaged, productive and anxiety-free as possible especially if you just don't want to plop them in front of a television set. Parents and caregivers discovered that art projects are still the best combined teaching assistant and babysitter for times when a parent-child are bonding session just isn't possible.


It's a heady feeling for most parents to watch their young children use their small hands to work out handling the objects - or their fingers -  that allow them paint and draw. And then there's the creative expression whose output on paper, a wall, a chalkboard, etc. is very telling about the child's ability to mimic the world around them or the one in their head. How inspiring is it that many kids found empty walls to paint on during COVID-19? They were able to be outside and be expressive.

The current COVID-19 era and the time away from the formal classroom and the uncertainty of how schooling would be administered in from September rendered STEM projects important but STEAM projects even more so. We at Nazabong Kids had a lot of emails requesting products that added the "A" for ART in the STEM sequence - as well as erector kits - mainly because they found that their children - like many of others before them - liked to decorate finished projects their way, in the colors they like and in materials they have fun with. So that decoration has included regular paint and watercolors but also found like objects like wood, rocks and leave but fabrics like felt and their partners like glitter and beads and yarn. 

While we're in the process of now creating some very exciting bespoke items in that category we are always on the lookout for other vendors that offer innovative combined art and erector project kits that make it really easy for parents to serve up creative expression, play and learning time whether at home. Because #ArtMatters